- Chinese-German: HanDeDict, Kollaborativ entwickeltes, freies chinesisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, Veröffentlicht von Gábor L Ugray
- Chinese-French: CFDICT, le dictionnaire chinois-francais libre par Chine Informations
- Japanese-English: EDICT2 Japanese-English Electronic Dictionary Files by Electronic Dictionary Research & Development Group
For today, let me just give short instructions. In a week or so, simple step by step instructions will be added here.
For handedict, download handedict.u8.gz from https://handedict.zydeo.net/de/download, unpack it to handedict.u8 and load it to the Chinese dictionaries.
For cfdict, download cfdict.zip from https://chine.in/mandarin/dictionnaire/CFDICT/, unpack it to get cfdict.u8 and load it to the Chinese dictionaries.
For edict2, download edict2.gz from http://www.edrdg.org/jmdict/edict.html, unpack it to edict2. Then change the encoding to utf8. I did it in Windows git bash terminal with "iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 edict2 > edict2.u8". Then load edict2.u8 to Japanese dictionaries.
The following two screenshots show both Chinese dictionaries loaded using (1). The French dictionary is moved to the top of the list so that its results are shown first (2). The browser is shown in French localization.
The translations from all the three dictionaries are enabled and shown.
The translations from all the three dictionaries are enabled and shown.